Material Handling and Shipping represent a sizable portion of any exhibitor’s overall budget. Yet the services can prove to be confusing to exhibitors. Below is a handy frequently asked questions list to introduce the new exhibitor to the services or even provide the savvy exhibitor a refresher.
What is the difference between shipping and material handling?
Shipping is the transport of your exhibit material (freight) to the advance warehouse or event venue via a carrier of your choice.
Material handling, often referred to as drayage, is the movement of your freight from the carrier to your booth and then back to the carrier at the close of the show. Freight handling
- Unloading your materials from your carrier
- Storage at our warehouse for up to approximately 30 days prior to move-in
- Delivery of the materials to your booth
- The handling of empty containers to and from storage
- Removal of your material from the booth for reloading onto your outbound carrier
Does material handling include the cost for me to ship my exhibit property?
No, material handling should not be confused with the costs payable to your carrier for shipping your materials to and from the show.
What company do I use for shipping?
Hargrove welcomes the opportunity to ship your exhibit property, but you may choose any shipping company. We do not recommend use of FedEx, UPS, DHL or similar small package services.
Hargrove provides ground and air freight shipping service. By using Hargrove for your shipping all of your services will be on one bill and there are no waiting-time charges
How much will my shipping cost?
A number of variables affect your shipping costs, including distance, weight and how fast your freight has to be delivered.
What company do I use for material handling?
Hargrove is the exclusive provider of material handling.
Is there a charge for material handling?
Yes, and material handling charges are often overlooked by exhibitors. The charges are computed based on the weight of your materials. The weight is rounded up to the next hundred pounds (cwt) and charged according to the rates published in your Exhibitor Services Manual. Check your show schedule carefully to determine whether or not overtime charges may apply. Please contact us for assistance if you need more information.
May I carry my own materials into the building without using the freight handling service?
In most cases, an exhibitor may carry in only those materials that can be hand-carried in one trip without the use of the loading dock or hand trucks. However, the rules differ from one city to the next, so be sure to refer to the union jurisdictions in your services manual for specific information regarding your show.
How should I label my materials for shipping to the show?
In most cases, you can ship either to the advance warehouse address or directly to the show. Shipping addresses are provided for you on the General Information Form enclosed in your services manual. Whichever option you choose (advance or direct), it is important that your labels indicate the following information:
Your company name
c/o Hargrove, Inc.
Show site warehouse shipping address
Name of show
Your booth number
Piece ___ of ___
Should I ship to the advance warehouse or direct to show site?
There are three primary advantages to shipping to the advance warehouse versus directly
to show site:
- You have plenty of time to confirm that your shipment has arrived and everything is
intact. - These materials will be delivered to your booth prior to the official exhibitor move-in time.
- Delivery dates and times are more flexible.
Refer to Material Handling Price List in your Services Manual to compare.
How do I ship my exhibit property at the close of show?
- Contact your carrier to arrange pick up of your exhibit property. We recommend you arrange your inbound and outbound shipping at the same time and well before the show.
- Pack and label your exhibit property. Blank shipping labels are available at the Hargrove Service Desk.
- Complete a Hargrove Bill of Lading for each destination. The Bill of Lading provides Hargrove essential information about your shipment (s). Bills of Lading will be delivered to your booth on the last show day. You may also pick one up at the Hargrove Service Desk.
- Submit your completed Hargrove Bill of Lading at the Hargrove Service Desk. This lets Hargrove know your shipment is ready to be loaded.